Friday, July 3, 2009

Rephrasing for a positive message

Well folks, we've all heard it said, "it's not what you say it's how you say it." Part of creating a welcoming and positive attitude in our lives is to use the words that convey that message to others. Sure sometimes we want to be blunt and get to the point, and that's OK when that manner of communication is warranted. However, if this is your main style of communication you may have encountered some resistance to your ideas and attitudes.

The "glass is half full" manner of communication can also be hooked into this blunt style. By focusing on what you don't have, or feeling it necessary to point out the obviously negative to others is, to be blunt, a downer. But worse prevents us from appreciating the good things around us.

We human beings are equipped to overcome many hardships. We have the gift of reason and analysis. The ability to rephrase is an extension of these gifts. Rephrasing is an important tool in maintaining or recapturing your positivity. Rephrasing can be done in just about any situation even one's that seem particularly dire.

While some people may accuse you of living in a fantasy world for going along as if everything is perfect, the reality is you are just staying positive. I'm not suggesting that in order to be positive we ignore the negative aspects of events. But keeping that perspective in the forefront of your mind is not going to make them any less negative. Remembering your "blessings," your strengths, your achievements will enable you, and those around you to recognize good things when they happen and positive opportunities when they arise.

There are some questions we can ask ourselves before we speak to insure that we maintain some positivity. Using the right words can set the tone for your message to others. Ask yourself: What is it that I want the receiver of my message to "hear?"
What do I want them to think, feel, conclude?
How do I want them to respond to my message?

I wanted to post some examples here but I'd rather let you have some practice with it. Take a few moments and think of either a negative thought you had/repeated, or something someone said to you that didn't feel right. Post it here in a response. Let's see how many ways we can change that statement for a positive message that still gets the point across.

Thanks for reading.

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