Balance is one of the most important parts of our lives and it is one of the most misunderstood parts as well. Many people have the tendency to view balance as a black and white issue, not just the give and take of life. For example, when good things happen to you and all around you, it's not uncommon to worry about when it will go away, or when something not so good is going to happen.
But balance is really a game of opportunities, not opposites. If we imagine a scale, not a bathroom scale, but the scales of justice. We have the blindfolded woman holding a scale in her left and right hand. One of those scales is you, the other scale is the world. When you receive good things, they weigh your side down, it's wonderful, but it can be overwhelming. But when failure and disappointment come your way, they still end up on your scale. That's not balance. It's being on the receiving end, constantly. Recognizing opportunities to give back to the world is how real balance is created.
There is an unfortunate truth that good things can be shared but disappointments are tailor made. That's actually not a bad thing because when we feel disappointed or hurt we don't really want to make others feel that way. Those negative situations should not stop you from being in balance and taking advantage of opportunities. You can still create balance by recognizing opportunities to give positive feedback, encouragement, volunteer your time, and any number of things to even out the scales.
So when you are experiencing all the great things the world has to offer, don't worry about something bad, be aware of the opportunity to share with the world and remain in balance.
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